Creating a culture that fosters millennial engagement.

Grow your business and build a tribe.

Do your business meetings suck? Download my free GROW model workbook!

About Piyush


Millennial Engagement Expert


With over 20 years of experience, Piyush Patel is an innovator of corporate culture. He grew his company, Digital-Tutors, into a leader of online training, educating over 1.5M students globally. Piyush is an avid member of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization and has won numerous awards acknowledging his entrepreneurship as a trend-setter in our community.

Read my story »

Lead Your Tribe, Love Your Work by Piyush Patel

The Book

Lead Your Tribe, Love Your Work

In Lead Your Tribe, Love Your Work, Piyush creates a guide to transform your team into a tribe. Employees want to make a difference and belong to something meaningful. With culture-focused principles and rules to inspire greatness, this book will help unify your team and grow your business.

The Blog

How to have uncomfortable conversations with your client

Uncomfortable conversations will happen when you own a business. It’s inevitable.As a leader, you can set the expectations for them. My concept of a...

A leader’s guide to ending the year

As the year starts to wind down, you’re faced with decisions that are unique to the end of the year. You can use the...

How to fire employees without killing company culture

What's your first solution when you have an employee with performance issues? Many leaders will jump to firing someone as the only way to...

Building BAM with holiday traditions

Thanksgiving is hardly over before it's time to start thinking about Christmas. That is, if you haven’t already figured out what you’re going to...

Why your role as a CEO shouldn’t be “customer first”

As a CEO it’s second nature to say that you need to put your customers first. I mean, isn’t that why we built our...